小松涛巷改造手册 | Renovation Manual of XiaoSongTao Alley
——基于空间补偿策略的多功能生活舱与旧房改造设计 南京,中国 | Nanjing, China 07/2022
▲ 沿街立面效果图 | facade
The overall area reconstruction idea is "preservation demolition-compensation-renovation". First, by demolishing dilapidated and old buildings, the whole parts of the old buildings that need to be preserved are exposed; at the same time, the functions and corresponding areas of the demolished parts are counted; through the "compensation space" strategy, adding Living cabins with the corresponding functions can be combined with the old buildings after renovation and repair to form residential, commercial or mixed spaces. This renovation module can also be used to renovate other old buildings; the wall in the middle of the commercial plot on the east side can be removed. Roads are widened and repaired to improve the overall quality of the region;
▲ 改造区域整体效果鸟瞰 | Perspective
▲ 东侧沿街效果图 | Street view
▲ 小松涛咖啡馆室内效果图 | Cafeteria interior
▲ 天井效果图 | Patio
▲ 小松涛客厅 | Experience hall interior
▲ 剖面图 | Section
4 运营场景策划 | operation planning
小松涛巷15 号咖啡馆和体验馆分日常与特殊运营两种模式,咖啡馆日常提供堂食、外卖,特殊防疫要求时期可通过沿街外展区窗口提供打包外送服务;体验馆前期内部装饰物可调动市民参与捐赠有纪念意义的旧物,场景化的室内装饰设计,能唤起不同人群的相似情感与回忆,日常运营提供阅读空间、文创售卖、沉浸式拍照,节假日可出租场地,提供体验式老南京风味私房菜服务;其他9 号、11号、13 号改造后,建议保留住宅功能,通过室内精细化设计及生活舱的功能补充,每院提供4 户居民居住,共计12 户,约25~40 人,形成一个便于管理和自治的小社区;咖啡馆和体验馆大约可提供就业岗位8-12 个,可为部分居民解决就业问题;
No. 15 is changed to a community cafe, which provides normal dine-in and take-out services on weekdays. During special periods, take-out services can be provided through the window along the street; the old objects in the experience hall are organized by residents to donate, usually dine-in, visit and read, and sell cultural and creative products around Nanjing; special festivals may provide the service of booking old Nanjing-style private dishes; No. 9, 11, and 13 are recommended for residential functions, through refined interior design and living cabins. Each courtyard provides 4 households to live in, a total of 12 households with about 25 to 40 people, forming a small community; cafes and experience halls can provide about 8-12 jobs, which can solve employment problems for some residents;