回归生活的本质 | Back to the essence of life

北京,中国 | Beijing, China March-May/2024

01 项目内容 Project Introduction



The interior renovation project is located in a high-rise residential building near the Second Ring Road in Beijing's Dongcheng District, where the husband and wife have retired and hope to partially renew their existing home, especially the entrance, corridor, bathroom and kitchen areas. All the functions in the existing area should be retained and integrated, so that it is not only convenient for the elderly, but also for neighbours and children who come to visit frequently.

02 现场勘察 Site Survey


Unlike the previous interior design of the rough house or the complete renovation, only part of the interior was partially renovated this time, so the site survey was important. During the survey, our design team, construction team, and owner all visited the site. The owner told the daily lifestyle, where it was inconvenient, and what content he hoped to improve, and quickly put forward the design concept for these design teams. The construction team confirmed whether it was reasonable and whether the water and electricity of the relevant structure could be changed.


After the survey, we found the following problems:

▲卫生间原始照片 Photo of the toilet

1. 由于住宅单向朝西,入户门位于封闭走廊内无法直接采光,且房屋进深较大光线难以深入内部,于是走廊玄关空间成为了全屋采光最差的位置;

2. 卫生间相对于其他室内空间有着15厘米的高差,后期拆改时发现,高出的垫层仅仅是为了堆积原来装修时的剩余废料,不仅有安全隐患,卫生问题也十分严重;

3. 卫生间为一体式,虽然面积很大,但洗衣机、淋浴、马桶和储藏都在一个空间内,潮湿的环境不仅难以彻底清洁和干燥,同时还有因年久失修造成的瓷砖剥落、管线漏水等诸多安全隐患

1. Because the house faces west in one direction, the entrance door is located in the closed corridor and cannot be directly lit, also it has a large depth, so it is difficult for the light to penetrate the interior, so the corridor entrance space has become the worst lighting position in the whole house;

2. The bathroom has a height difference of 15 cm compared with other indoor spaces, and it was found that the high cushion layer was only for the accumulation of the remaining waste materials during the original decoration, which not only had safety hazards but also had serious health problems;

3. The bathroom is integrated, although the area is large, the washing machine, shower, toilet and storage are all in one space, the humid environment is not only difficult to clean and dry thoroughly, but also has many potential safety hazards such as tile peeling and pipeline leakage caused by disrepair;

▲走廊厨房原始照片 Photo of the kitchen

4. 厨房原有的布局中,只有一条一字型水磨石台面和下面的木头柜子,经年的使用中,业主自行增加了许多不合尺寸的水池和简易台面,不仅没有充分合理利用空间,还造成了许多卫生死角难以清洁,上下水布置的不合理,使得用水不便、蚊虫问题严重;

5. 厨房东侧正对电梯间的大窗,打开后则室内一览无余,有时专注做饭时还会被探头探脑的邻居吓一跳,虽然方便街坊邻里闲聊,但也给业主带来了不少的隐私问题的烦恼。

4. In the original layout of the kitchen, there is only a one-line terrazzo countertop and the wood cabinet below, after years of use, the owner has added many unsuitable pools and simple countertops, which not only does not make full and reasonable use of space, but also causes many sanitary dead corners that are difficult to clean, and the water supply and water layout are unreasonable, which makes the water inconvenient and the mosquito problem is serious;

5. The east side of the kitchen faces the large window of the elevator hall, which opens to have an unobstructed view of the interior. Sometimes when you focus on cooking, you will be startled by the neighbours who probe your brain, although it is convenient for the neighbours to chat, it also brings a lot of privacy troubles to the owners.

03 设计方案 Design

▲轴测图 Isometric drawings

▲改造前后平面图 Before and After Plan

改造重点 1 —— 卫生间与走廊空间的再分配+

Renovation Focus 1 – Redistribution of Restroom and Corridor Spaces+


In the initial design, we tried to open the entire corridor, kitchen and bathroom space to re-plan the design. However, in the demolition stage, it is detected that the kitchen wall and air duct contain lots of steel bars, which is difficult and costly to dismantle, but also easily cause unsafe hidden dangers to the structure.


Therefore, the thinking was changed, we optimised the interior layout of the kitchen and re-planned the bathroom and corridor space together. As for how this bathroom can achieve the owner's expectation of dry and wet separation + washing machine + shoe cabinet, we tried a variety of design schemes and finally confirmed with the owner that we chose this version of the most adventurous and thorough ultimate three-separation bathroom layout.

▲推理过程 Reasoning process




Starting from the bathroom wall, the shower and toilet washing machine are combined according to the minimum size required, and the remaining space is redistributed according to the needs. The final result is: that the door is changed from the original door of less than 850mm to the standard door of 900, and the width of the corridor is expanded from the original 900mm to 1050mm (1100mm is ideal, 1050mm is the result of coordinating the size of the bathroom), and the bathroom has achieved a complete three separation!

The shower room has also been changed to the entrance desired by the owner (the original washing machine in the bathroom), which can not only reduce the length of the hot water line drawn from the kitchen gas water heater, but also make full use of the pipe space for storage, and the separate shower space can also provide a convenient dirty area for owners who like to plant flowers.



The second is also the final actual construction plan, with a sliding door to separate the toilet room, the washing machine sink and the shoe cabinet space, the final effect is great, the entrance hallway and the living room form a step-by-step expansion of the space effect, the original corridor dim and narrow impression swept away, a more uniform and reasonable lighting arrangement solves the lighting problem of the entrance corridor, each space is set up with a separate lamp, and the corridor especially uses smart lights, each small space does not turn on the lights separately, Turning on only the hallway lights can also meet daily needs, while voice-controlled smart lights make it more convenient to go to the bathroom at night.

The combination of washing machines and handwashing sinks, this form is mostly seen in housekeeping balconies, many new communities reserve water and water in the balcony position, combined with the drying storage space as a housekeeping space, and the old community in Beijing is relatively rarely designed in this way, the countertop is higher and deeper, which will indeed cause the inconvenience of washing hands to a certain extent. The choice of this installation method is the ultimate use of space, the bathroom was originally used as a storage space, for cleaning supplies, hygiene products, drying small pieces of clothes, shoe cabinets, etc., after the space was redesigned, the storage space was not compressed, but more reasonable and meticulous storage and finishing, the mirror cabinet to store the hostess's cosmetics, the ultra-thin shoe cabinet to store the usual shoes, the toilet room to store sanitary products, the shower area to store mop bathing and cleaning supplies. Of course, some of them are discarded, and the number of cleaning supplies used for various hygiene problems has been greatly reduced.

改造重点 2 —— 厨房改造大作战!

Renovation Focus 2 - Kitchen Renovation Battle!


The first step of the kitchen renovation was to change the large window to a high window so that the interior could not be seen from the elevator hall in the corridor, the indoor viewing distance was relatively close, and you could see the outside on tiptoe a little. In this way, the windows are opened for ventilation while ensuring the privacy of the living room.

▲垂直界面视距视线分析 Vertical interface line-of-sight analysis


The interior is viewed outwards through this smaller window, which looks more like a picture frame due to the shorter viewing distance, making it easier to focus the line of sight for easy observation; Standing in the corridor, the window is small and the viewing distance is long, so it is difficult to see the complete interior space


Since the ventilation duct connects the upper floor to the basement and is difficult to remove, it was a reluctant compromise to keep the original ventilation duct of its size. In the new kitchen, we changed the cabinet to 600mm wide, which is convenient for installing built-in cooktops and large single-sink pools. The width of the opposite side cabinet is changed to 450mm which is much narrower, but the space is enough for cutting and preparing vegetables or placing small household appliances.

04 落地效果 Photos after Renovation

▲效果图——改造后对比 renderings - after

05 结尾END


In addition, we also took advantage of the height difference between the updated space and the original living room, and paved the whole house with solid parquet flooring, which solved the problem of low comfort of floor tiles in the living room and bedroom, and brought the modern and simple style of the entrance space into the whole interior; The leaky windows of the balcony were updated with new windows, and the wall was re-wallpapered to create a unified space effect with the lowest budget. As a result, the ground elevation from the entrance to the whole house is consistent, there is no threshold and height difference, and the sweeping robot can freely enter the entire space for cleaning, saving a lot of housework trouble for the owner and his wife. Washing machines, smart toilets, etc., which integrate drying and washing, also make the owners gradually feel the efficiency and convenience of intelligent life.