哈瓦那,古巴 | Havana, Cuba 12/2022
▲入围Terraviva Competitions国际建筑竞赛并获得提名奖 | Terraviva Competitions_ Finalist
There are quite a lot of historical heritages exist in Havana, but the rapid development in the past century has brought great changes. So it’s vital to integrate history and future development to bridge the fragmentation and monotony of urban development. Revolution Square has gradually developed from a traditional authoritative shape, a sculptural historical image, and communist elements into a combination of commemorative history and modern urban texture.
▲围绕着革命广场的三座引人注目的建筑就像是历史的见证者 | The three striking buildings surrounding them are like witnesses to history.
The new layout is laid out along the central axis of the star-shaped tower. The bridge-like buildings form the visual focus. Through the principle of central perspective, as well as design techniques such as balanced composition, symmetrical and sequential layout, and end-scene guidance, the spatial form is perfected and strengthened. This “classical gaze of power”, forms a fixed-point + directional” observation window” visual mode. Through the “window” of the square, people”s eyes can see the moment of history and the vision of the future.
广场上的新建筑用艺术和科技将革命广场的历史文化与周边的城市生活联系起来 ,形成了一个四个建筑元素互动的多元生长的场所。环形桥的结构,每一层都有不同的观景台,结构之外的空间提供了更多的城市/滨水景观。这是一个属于哈瓦那和每个人的广场,一个属于历史也属于未来的市民生活空间。
The new buildings on the square use art and technology to connect the history and culture of Revolution Square with the surrounding urban life, forming a multi-element nurturing place where the four elements interact. Each level of the structure has different observation decks, and then sight lines beyond the structure offer further city/waterfront views. It is a plaza that belongs to Havana and everyone, a civic living space that belongs to history and the future.
▲ 历史广场 | Historical Square
12 monuments recording important historical events, with a star as the centre, distributed along the loop, representing the historical process of the Cuban people’s struggle for freedom and democracy.
▲ 文化展览中心 | Cultural Exhibitions
The two loops around the waterfront can be used as a cultural centre, small museum or exhibition gallery, showing the national history and characteristics for the tourists.
▲无限循环跑道 | Infinite Runway
无限循环跑道以莫比乌斯环∞的形式环绕整个场地,形成一条长约726米(7月26日是古巴的国家纪念日)的起伏连绵的室外步道;外环地面铺设塑胶地面,用于跑步和骑行。 内环设置休息的座位。人们可以从任何角度欣赏周围的建筑。
The length of the runway is about 726m. The outer ring is for running and cycling. there are rest seats in the middle of each monument along the inner ring. People can admire the surrounding buildings from any angle.
▲运动广场 | Sport Square
A sunken basketball square is set in the centre, and the surrounding loops of different heights provide different views. Citizens can play various sports here.
▲集市和夜市 | Market and Nightlife
The loop can provide shade during the day and provide a space for a bazaar. At night, people can enjoy movies that are played on a large screen.
▲远眺市民广场 | Civic Square
The area with the Monumento a José Martí as the background is Civic Square. It provides sufficient space for mass gatherings, outdoor performances and other civic activities.