韩 丽 | Han Li

主创建筑师 Architect / Landscape Architect


After graduating from the Beijing University of Technology in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in architecture, she entered Tsinghua University and received a master's degree in landscape architecture in 2013. After graduation, she has been engaged in architectural design for many years. 2016 she went to Italy to study luxury accessories design and management and then travelled to many European countries for further study. During this time, she also participated in many international architectural competitions and won awards. She specializes in cross-field and cross-disciplinary design. Her design scope involves but is not limited to architectural design, city planning, landscape, interior design, fashion design and graphic design.

潘 思熠 | Pan Siyi

主创建筑师 Senior Architect


In 2011, he graduated from the Beijing University of Technology with a bachelor's degree in architecture, then worked at Beijing Architectural Design and Research Institute, engaged in architectural design and construction drawing design for many years. 2016, he went to Milan Polytechnic University, Italy to study for a master's degree in architecture. Since 2019, he has worked as a senior architect at the headquarters of MVRDV. He specializes in architectural design, construction drawing design and project management.

杨 易 | Yetta Yi

国家一级注册建筑师 National first class Certified Architect


After obtaining a bachelor's degree in architecture with excellent results in 2011, she has been active in architectural design, illustration design, graphic design and other fields for a long time.

郭 姝祺 | Guo Suki

建筑师 Junior Architect/Graphic Designer


马 竞萧 | Ma Jingxiao

实习生 intern
