中国,山东青岛 | Qingdao, China 04/2021
▲ 街景效果图 | Street View
With the hot broadcast of the film "A Little Red Flower", we have come to know such a marginal group of people _terminally ill patients and their families. The film revolves around the lives of two anti-cancer families, telling a warm and realistic story, letting us think about the ultimate problem that every ordinary person will face imagine that death may come at any time. Through the research, we found that not everyone wants to stay away from the city, live in isolation in the last days of life. The wish to die in a familiar home environment is more common in our population. But only a few people have this opportunity. Because time-intensive care or medical treatment is usually necessary for the last phase of life. Thus, most of the population dies in an institution that is rather spatially nor substantively equipped for the dying. In a hospice, the focus until the end is on the human being as a person. He is not only seen as a sick or dying person but as a holistic individual. The medical aspect, on the other hand, is relegated to the shadows. With the design" A LITTLE FLOWER" _a place for the terminally ill, a space created which both guarantees the medical care of sick people and atmospherically designed for their sensitivity.
The new building in the mixed-living community will show how a hospice home can be placed in an urban environment. People can use this hospice home to carry out activities in an architectural space with a sense of security, control, and privacy, but they do not live in isolation. In addition, as innovation and supplement to the general medical system, the hospice home also provides an education base for people who want to know more about terminal ills.
In the project, we decided to refer to the well-known 5 stages of illness_Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. These stages are not permanent but are always in circulation. When reflected in the architectural space, we designed a fluid ring-shaped space structure, the organization of space referred to psychological knowledge – it creatively interpreted the stages, divided into different spaces surrounding the garden_A LITTLE FLOWER, while maintaining consistency, but offering other emotions behind the stages. Although researchers argue whether it is possible to confirm them empirically. We considered them to be an accurate starting point for treating the needs of a terminally ill individual.
▲ 接待处/入口大厅 | The entrance hall
▲ 餐厅 | Restaurant
▲ 园艺疗法教室 | Horticultural therapy room
▲ 中心花园展开图 | The central garden
▲ 中心花园展开图 | The central garden
▲ 全景图书馆 | Panorama library
▲ 冥想空间/小礼拜堂 | Meditation room / Chapel
▲ 屋顶花园 | Roof garden
▲ 首层平面图 | Ground floor